BY REESE KEELING / Marketing Director
Stephenville city leaders and business owners met on Jan. 28 at the City Hall for the State of the City Luncheon featuring guest speaker, Mayor Doug Svien. Mayor Svien opened the meeting by emphasizing the importance of preparing for the city’s bright future.
“Stephenville is growing faster than we anticipated,” Mayor Svien said. “We’re on track for a 22% population increase by 2030, which equates to a steady growth rate of 2.2% annually. This is well above the state average of 1.6%.”
Economic expansion is at the heart of this growth, with the city's sales tax collections increasing by 61% in recent years. Mayor Svien highlighted the closing income gap between Erath County and the state, crediting it to an increase in local opportunities.
“We’ve seen family incomes in Erath County climb to $65,000, just $6,000 shy of the state average,” Svien said. “That gap has closed significantly over the past six years because of the business opportunities we’ve created.”
Stephenville has also become a regional shopping hub, attracting visitors from a trade area of 122,000 people.
“People who used to drive through Stephenville on their way to Fort Worth or Dallas are now staying here to shop,” Svien said. “This shift has been transformative for our community.”
The city is preparing to welcome a major retail chain that is projected to generate $200-250 million in annual sales. Additionally, construction projects such as a new Marriott Grand Hotel with 120 rooms and conference facilities promise to attract more visitors and business activity.
“Seven years ago, we were asking businesses to come to Stephenville. Today, they’re coming to us,” Svien said. “This new hotel will be the largest we’ve ever had and is a significant addition to our growing infrastructure.”
While the outlook is positive, Mayor Svien acknowledged the challenges tied to the city’s rapid growth, including housing demand and workforce shortages. Stephenville’s unemployment rate mirrors the state’s at just 3.6%, effectively signaling full employment.
“There are so many opportunities right now, but not enough employees,” Svien said. “If someone is looking for a job, there’s a place for them here in Texas.”
As Texas anticipates a population increase to approximately 40 million by 2040, Svien emphasized the importance of long-term planning for Stephenville.
“We need to prepare for the future, and housing, recreation and infrastructure must grow alongside our population,” Svien said.
With upcoming developments and continued economic progress, city officials and business owners plan to engage the community and ensure sustainable growth.